




Have you ever tried to carry on a conversation with someone who speaks another language from the one you speak? You try to say things slower, louder and use elaborate gestures in an attempt to convey your message. 有时会有一丝理解, 但大多数情况下, the two people speaking cannot find a common thread to understand each other's words.

Consider this scenario when two participants in a professional conversation try to navigate the terms of each other's industries but fall short with their observations or feedback. This very situation can occur when a business owner has engaged a company specializing in 自定义网页设计 but may not have the expertise or feel comfortable communicating their feedback regarding the elements they need or require for their new 网站. This may seem like a daunting arena to maneuver through with your 网页设计公司, especially when you acquire that deer-in-the-headlights look at terms like UX/UI, 响应设计, 前端开发, 和线框.

Let’s look at some approaches to engaging in a productive conversation with your web designer so your company’s 网站 is created to your 具体的ations.


当提供反馈给你的网站设计师, 有必要说清楚, 具体的, 和建设性的. 以下是一些可以遵循的准则:

学习一些网站设计术语: You do not have to become an expert (that's why you 搜索ed for web designers near me), but by learning the most significant terms associated with your 网站's design, the conversations with your designer will help to simplify an explanation of the process. 了解用户体验(UX)等词汇, 用户界面, 后端开发, and content management system (CMS) will help enormously when discussing the elements and creation process of your 网站.

从积极的反馈开始: 你不需要感到虚伪, but a little initial praise goes a long way in communicating initial thoughts about the 网站 到目前为止. Begin by acknowledging the aspects of the 网站设计 that you appreciate, 找到成功, 或者传达视觉吸引力. This helps establish a positive tone and shows your 网站设计er that you value their expertise and efforts.

具体的说: Instead of making general statements like “I don’t like the design” or “That is not what I wanted,对特定元素提供详细的反馈. 例如, 电竞赛事竞猜APP说, “This color scheme is too dark and hides some of the elements I want to highlight,或者“我的目标受众是老年人。, 所以我想要更大的, 更具可读性的字体大小对他们更有利." Bringing up 具体的 points early in the design process allows for easier modifications than if discussed after the project is near completion.

建设性的: Focus on providing suggestions and solutions rather than simply pointing out flaws. 而不是说这样的话, “这行不通,或者“我不喜欢那些颜色。,” offer alternative ideas or 具体的 improvements that can be made. 例如, 你可能会建议使用不同的调色板, 将元素放置在另一个位置, 或者创建一个下拉列表. 每一个 网页设计公司 想要生产出卓越的产品,让客户满意. Constructive feedback in an amiable conversation can set the tone for a successful partnership.

考虑你的目标受众: 你比在座的任何人都了解你的客户. 给予反馈时, keeping your target audience in mind is essential in helping the designer target elements for your company's demographics and existing customer base. If you believe the current mock-up of your 网站 does not align with their preferences or needs, 向网站设计师解释你的理由. This addition to your ongoing conversation will help your designer understand the purpose and context of the work they will be creating.

优先考虑可用性: 当与你的网站设计公司和设计师会面时, emphasize the importance of the user experience and usability of the 网站. 确定任何可能需要澄清的元素, 更容易导航, 或者从整体功能中减损. Your feedback concerning this essential factor should aim to make the 网站 more user-friendly and intuitive. This priority harkens back to the target audience and their ability to navigate the site easily.

提供例子或参考: 在这个视觉驱动的行业, it can be challenging to convey in conversation the elements you want to appear in the design. As a business owner, you have likely perused the 网站s of competitors. Note what features you like or elements you know work well for them. 与你的网站设计师分享这些例子. If you have other ideas in mind, refer to 网站s that illustrate your preferences. This can help your designer better understand your vision and implement changes accordingly.

尊重他人,并乐于讨论: Maintaining a respectful and collaborative tone throughout the feedback process is essential. Acknowledge that 网站设计 can be aesthetically subjective but also highly technical. 不同的意见和观点必然会共存. Be open to discussing the rationale behind your designer's choices and consider their professional expertise. 你们都是各自领域的专家. A considerate conversation addressing any design issues or suggestions will produce positive results.

鼓励迭代改进: 记住这一点很有帮助 网站设计 通常是一个迭代过程吗. Encourage your designer to make revisions based on your feedback and to share updated versions for review. 知道你的网站可以被改编, 调整, and revised because of collaborative and ongoing communication will lead to a better result.

通过遵循这些指导方针, you can provide valuable feedback that helps your 网站设计er refine their work and create an outstanding 网站 that aligns with your vision and objectives. 当与定制网页设计公司合作时, asking the right questions and providing constructive feedback can help ensure clarity, 对齐, 一个成功的结果. Open and transparent communication with your 网站设计er can pave the way for establishing your online presence to help your business thrive in a competitive marketplace.

Are you ready to create a 网站 that reflects your vision and goals? 电竞赛事竞猜APP合集 DevDigital的定制网页设计团队 今天开始你的新网站.


